+234 704 5687 532, +234 802 7272 727, +234 702 5357 099


Specialist  Hospital

115, Akerele Extension, P.O. Box 4631, Surulere Lagos RC 92284


Specialist Hospital Limited

115, Akerele Extension, P.O. Box 4631, Surulere Lagos
Privacy & Confidentiality

The patient has the right, within the law, to personal privacy and information privacy, as manifested by the right to:

  1. Refuse to talk with or see anyone not officially connected with the hospital, including visitors, persons officially connected with the hospital but who are not directly involved in his care.
  2. Wear appropriate personal clothing and religious or other symbolic items, as long as they do not jeopardize safety or interfere with diagnostic procedures or treatment.
  3. To be interviewed and examined in surroundings designed to assure reasonable audiovisual privacy. This includes the right to have a person of one's own gender present during certain parts of a physical examination, treatment, or procedure performed by a health professional of the opposite sex; and the right not to remain disrobed any longer than is required for accomplishing the medical purpose for which the patient was asked to disrobe.
  4. Expect that any discussion or consultation involving his/her case will be conducted discreetly and that individuals, not involved in direct care, will not be present without permission of the patient.
  5. Have his/her medical record read only by individuals directly involved in treatment or monitoring of quality, and by other individuals only on written authorization by the patient or that of his/her legally authorized representative.
  6. Expect that all communications and other records pertaining to his care, including the source of payment for treatment, be treated as confidential.
  7. Expect that information given to concerned family members or significant other legally qualified person, be delivered in privacy and with due consideration of confidentiality.
  8. Request transfer to another available room if another patient or visitors in that room are unreasonably disturbing to said patient.
  9. Be placed in protective privacy and/or be assigned an alias name when considered necessary for personal safety.